Washington’s hegemony, which it calls the “rules-based international order,” is at stake, Lloyd Austin has declared Lloyd Austin delivers remarks…
Quelle: © Norbert Fellechner via www.imagoNoch im Jahr 2019 feierte man im Fährhafen Sassnitz-Mukran auf Rügen die Ankunft des…
Quelle: Sputnik Kasachstans Präsident Qassym-Schomart Toqajew bekommt am 20. November in Astana seinen Stimmzettel. Gut zehn Monate nach den blutigen…
Washington’s hegemony, which it calls the “rules-based international order,” is at stake, Lloyd Austin has declared Lloyd Austin delivers remarks…
Michael Bloomberg has acknowledged that guests at a Singapore conference were “insulted or offended” by the ex-UK PM Michael Bloomberg…
Quelle: AFP © Sergei SupinskyZivilisten suchen Schutz in einer Unterführung im Zentrum der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew während eines russischen Raketenangriffs…
No diplomatic boycotts are being staged despite Qatar’s harsh LGBTQ laws and alleged worker abuses. Compare and contrast this with…
No diplomatic boycotts are being staged despite Qatar’s harsh LGBTQ laws and alleged worker abuses. Compare and contrast this with…
Yasin Ozturk / Anadolu Agency / Las participaciones extranjeras en bonos del Tesoro en septiembre cayeron a su nivel más…
Reunión informal de los líderes de los países participantes del Foro de APECDmitriy Astahov / Sputnik Tanto para China como…