Joe Biden
The US president drove young voters to the polls this week by promising to forgive some of their college debt…
A top US general reportedly believes negotiations would allow Kiev to “cement gains” while other officials think it’s too soon…
Putin won’t address G20 summit – Kremlin
The Russian president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said the same is true for an upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit Russian President…
Quelle: © X99Archivfoto eines Treffens am 19. August 2011 zwischen dem damaligen US-Vizepräsidenten Joe Biden und dem damaligen chinesischen…
Quelle: AFP © Kenzo TRIBOUILLARDDer Vorsitzende des US-Generalstabs Mark Milley, Aufnahme vom 12. Oktober. Der Vorsitzende des Vereinigten Generalstabs der…
Putin won’t address G20 summit – Kremlin
The Russian president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said the same is true for an upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit Russian President…
A top US general reportedly believes negotiations would allow Kiev “to cement gains” while other officials think it’s too soon…
During the upcoming G20 it’s expected that Taiwan will loom large when the US president meets his Chinese counterpart FILE…
During the upcoming G20 it’s expected that Taiwan will loom large when the US president meets his Chinese counterpart FILE…
Quelle: © Bai Xueqi/XinHuaDurch Beschuss zerstörte Wohnhäuser in Lissitschansk (Lugansker Volksrepublik, LVR), Sommer 2022 (Archivbild) 10.11.2022 20:36 Uhr 20:36…